Saturday, May 7, 2016

Name this block

Pic courtesy of

I packed up the Christmas decorations and settled into for some winter stitching. I am making a quilt for my oldest son and his lady. I thought I wanted a Jacob's ladder quilt, then I found a modified Jacob's block and decided to go a new direction. However I do not know if this new block has a name even though I have seen it on several websites used in different patterns.

This is the top left corner 4 unit of the Jacob's Ladder. It's two 4 patches and two half square triangles. Lay them out in different ways and you get some really cool patterns.

I am using mid to dark blues and greens with a tan background. The inspiration is some wolf fabric that the kids liked. I wanted something natural to go with it. The blocks will be laid out in something of a radiating diamond design. As though you dropped a pebble in the pond that the wolves drink. The actual wolf fabric will be used as one of the borders. I considered using it as a main fabric in a quilt but really had no idea what pattern to highlight it best.

Here's to a new adventure! :D

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