Monday, December 26, 2016

En Provence Mystery Quilt Clue 5

Clue 5! Can you believe we have been doing this for 5 weeks already? Where does the time go? Actually considering the introduction prior to the clues, Bonnie Hunter's En Provence Mystery Quilt has had our eager attention for quite a while longer. I'm loving this years mystery. Thank you Bonnie!!

Squares marked and stitched
This past Thursday I was under the weather so I decided to get organized. Yeah right! Like that is going to ever happen. I sat and counted my units for each clue. I was done with the neutral 4 patches but lagging on all the others. Funny thing though, once I counted and realized how few units I needed to finish the other clues, I felt perky enough to sew. Apparently I'm still a child wanting a day off then finding the energy to play after all. I'm proud to say that by dinnertime I had completed clues 1, 2 and 3. Yippee! Clue 4 is in progress.

Purple and neutral is really growing on me

Clue 5 is small - just a half million purple and neutral HST (half square triangles). Easy peasy lemon squeezy, except its grape not lemon. Or purple. But anyway ....

Fields and my baby tree nursery

Do you feel a bit blue - down in the mouth - melancholy in the winter months? Or during the holidays? I've been feeling dull and I'm trying to be more proactive this winter. Rearranging my sewing room put my sewing table right in front of a south facing window. Might be a day of glaring sun in my eyes or just another gray day - either way I have more of a view. Yes, I do move my fabric away from the window so it won't fade. The view isn't amazing this time of year but it is Gods creation with a little rural domesticity mixed in. I love it and I'm very thankful.

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, December 19, 2016

En Provence Mystery Quilt Clue 4

Clue 4 of Bonnie Hunter's 2016 Mystery Quilt is here and all over the globe quilters are feverishly stitching purple and neutral tri rec units.

Unless you're me.

I am sad. Christmas has some past harsh events so I tend toward caution each season. This year though, this past week, I lost a friend. My family lost a friend. He was only 62. Only 62!! Life is harsh for many and he embraced adventure and lived a full, amazing life in spite of genetics that would drag him down.

So this week I have cried and mourned. I did stitch a few tri recs but the bulk will be done as I can thru the holiday hustle.

If you are a diabetic - TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
If you know someone struggling or living with diabetes - appreciate them, love them, help them.
Life is short and very sweet.

Have a great week!
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Clue 3 En Provence Mystery Quilt

Are you stitching along with Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt En Provence? I enjoy the fun and friendship plus I get to learn new skills. I'm a self taught quilter so Bonnie has her work cut out for her, LOL :)
My husband wandered in and got trapped counting Clue 1 units
Last week I had chores and had to leave my ironing board draped with 4 patches waiting to be pressed open. And trimmed. I dislike trimming units down and I love trimming units down because I like knowing I have wiggle room. Plus I had some 2 1/4 neutral strips I wanted to use. Good news though - they are finished! Waste nothing!

Clue 2's Tri Rec units are about halfway done. I am making a few extra units of each clue since I will probably make this quilt a bit bigger that Bonnie planned. And just in case I goof ...

My stack looks wonky but they really are properly square.

Clue 3 is more 4 patches, this time in lavender and purple. I love the 4 patches. What I really love? The darling tiny 4 patch on the back when we spin our seams! Its so stinking cute!

Have you been stitching? Shopping for the holiday season? I'm avoiding shopping. We will see how long that lasts for me ... Have a fabulous week!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

En Provence Clue 2 in progress

 I have clue 1 of En Provence almost done. I actually have not counted, LOL. I added some neutrals to my selection. It stretches my comfort level. I like scrappy but I want my colors to be very, very close to one another. Having tan, cream and patterned fabrics all in one group makes me edgy. But that is why I want to do Bonnie's fabulous Mystery Quilt along. She pushes me to do more, learn more and stretch my mind.

And as I stitched the strips together I started liking the play of the fabrics and shades. And I just love the tiny, little, spun 4 patch of seams on the back of the block.

Clue 2 was released this past Friday and Sunday I slipped away to have some Mystery time. Thankfully I was introduced to Tri Rec units during Celtic Solstice. I felt confident that I can accomplish this task.

The trick for me is to be very sure I match the little cut corner on one edge and the long straight edge on the other. They stitch up properly each time. Whew! I'm so happy I persevered on Celtic Solstice as it taught me so many techniques in a short time frame. Thank you Bonnie!

I only had time to finish 16 tri recs before kids and grandbabies arrived. I cook Sunday supper for all my family each week. This week was lasagna and garlic bread. Family time keeps us close and happy :)

Have a great week everyone!!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Triple Irish Chain finished!

The Triple Irish Chain quilt is finished. Wahoo!! I took some pictures but not a lot. I slipped up. I got excited to finally be so close to done.

Stitching the rows of the 49 square blocks to the background blocks starts with making a lot of paired blocks.

Back from the quilt shop so I can trim and bind it.

Washed and hung out on the line to dry. All 119" x 119" inches of it. And done!