Thursday, August 29, 2013

What's in a name?

What's in a name? The name of a fabric that is. I have never been a name follower in any fashion or industry. I'm a simple girl. If it's comfortable or fits the purpose, it's my choice. I try to be unbiased. Can you see my Libra side showing? I really do weigh my options.

I will admit to loving sales. Craving bargains. I don't buy anything just to have it, except fabric for my stash. Recently Hancocks was having a great sale (Is there ever a bad fabric sale?) and I went in with a list of fabrics for some fundraising projects for my daughter. We needed fabric to make hot-cold bags, their slipcovers and complementing fabric for hostess aprons. We needed sale, closeout, aka bargains.

The bolts were piled on long tables. My hand stroked them lovingly (Hello! My name is Heidi and I am a fabric addict!). Florals and stripes were pulled to find colors that would mix and match enough to look nice. It was a quest for beauty and potential sales.

We loved this floral. It has a great mix of colors making it super easy to coordinate a stripe and extra appealing to a potential buyer.

And this stripe. Bright and cheerful.

And this floral. Perky and dark enough to not show stains from messy cooks.

It wasn't until I had my pattern drawn and ready to lay out that I noticed I had picked up some 'designer' fabric by M'Liss Rae Hawley. I love her fabrics but sadly they are not usually in my budget. I want fabric for under $5 a yard and preferably $3 or less. I have 2 kids in college, so my budget is wrecked, LOL. The Hot House by Top Drawer isn't a designer but it is named. Most of my fabrics just have colored dots on the selvage.

When I started following quilting blogs, I started tripping over people raving over the various designers collections. I admit they are pretty and it must be gratifying to buy a group of fabrics and have them all coordinate without any effort. But .... my budget doesn't allow me to spend $10 a yard. And I'm fine with that. Less pressure to be amazing you know?

I have to say though, the M'Liss fabric is fabulous. It may come from Hancocks - a budget price fabric store rather than a fabric boutique, it is still great fabric.The colors are vivid. The thickness and texture is spot-on for what I need. I may have to relax my budget to include more of her lovely creations. Hindsight, I wish I had noticed at the store and searched for more of her fabrics on sale.

You can explore her story here ... M'Liss Rae Hawley

Do you buy collections of fabrics? Favor any particular designer or line? I can feel the upscale fabric world pulling me to the yummy side ... LOL.

Have a great day! Go create!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Stitching Corner

Welcome to  my sewing corner!

I dream of a light filled sewing room or studio. Until my Sewing Fairy Godmother appears with her magical wand, I will stitch happily in a corner of my bedroom. I'm delighted to have a permanent place to create. For years I had to transport machines from my closet to the dining room table and back again each day. This is a great improvement.

My husband encouraged me to find a sewing cabinet last year. Craigslist to the rescue! I found this baby is amazing condition from a sweet lady that was moving to Maine and needed to reduce her furniture. The machine hole does not fit any of my machines, so they sit on top for now. Has anybody ever altered the hole? Pros and cons? I think we can do it ....

You can see my newest lady, a Janome Horizon 8900 in the first photo way up above. It looks stuffed full of a king size quilt - in reality, I had plenty of room to turn and spin the quilt. It is an incredible machine. I also have an 80's model Babylock Ellure and a Brother 1034D serger.

I feel so blessed to have three machines for my creative yearnings. I sew clothes, crafts, quilts, whatever takes my fancy. My kids have all enjoyed having an in house seamstress to mend, alter or create their clothes or costumes. I guess we never outgrow the desire for custom clothing. I know I have never outgrown the need to create beautiful and functional items.

At one time I had more machines and a huge cabinet full of fabrics but a house fire in 2010 destroyed our little world. My Babylock was in the shop and survived but I lost 3 other machines, including a hand me down from my grandmother in law. I bought the serger online while still living in a hotel. The Janome was my reward this year for surviving and rebuilding. Now to rebuild my treasure of textiles. I miss the old stacks of fabric.

 My current fabric stash lives in a big tote bag right now. I am keeping an eye out for a cabinet that will hold yards and yards of textiles AND fit into my little space. I will succeed eventually. My fabric addiction has grown since this pic but it may not be wise to post the evidence where my family could see my truth. They know I have a problem. They humor me by looking the other way when I carry arms full of bolts to the cutting table, asking for a yard of each fabric. There is no 12 step program for my problem.

Thank you for stopping in to check out my corner! I am going to do my best to link to Ellison Lane and The Sewing Loft's Studio Spotlight Tour. Have a fabulous day!  :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

AWOL camera

When it rains, it pours, right? First my camera was misbehaving. Now it is gone. I have no idea where it disappeared. Instead of accepting that it was pretty trashed anyway, I keep looking for the crazy thing. It wasn't working but I insist I find it before replacing it?!? My brain is shot! I think the Oklahoma humidity and heat have melted my common sense. 

And since a blog is a boring without pictures .... I haven't been posting. I'm still stitching but no show and tell for me  : (

I will start shopping for a new camera tonight. It won't be fancy. I just kill them anyway, LOL. Please feel free to share what you use for pictures. I need a camera. Need! School is going to start in another week and I want to carve out sewing time for myself. 

Joy of joys - I am done homeschooling children! Wahoo!! I love teaching my kids. I really do but I'm happy to wrap it up. The last two are enrolled in college. I will now be relegated to homework assistance. I can do that ;) 

Is your summer winding down yet?